• Boston

    Is it Spring yet?

    “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”  Charles Dickens Sometimes as you go along in your everyday life don’t you just look forward to turning the page and moving on to something new?  Like saying goodbye to the dead of winter and saying hello to spring? This time we wanted to welcome the change in season by taking a short trip and visiting another of my favorite places, Boston. It was a bright sunny day as we got on to I84 on our way up to Boston.  The…

  • Vermont

    Maple City Diner, Saint Albans Vermont

    “Age is irrelevant.  Ask me how many sunsets I’ve seen, hearts I’ve loved, trips I’ve taken, or concerts I’ve been to.  That’s how old I am.”  – Joelle Did you ever imagine you would get to that day when you just refuse to say your age out loud?  When not too long ago you were wishing you would be old enough to drive, drink or just simply be an adult. Now you wonder where all those years went by. Now birthdays are about special celebrations of life and thanksgiving. For this birthday I thought of doing something different.  I thought of starting a blog to chronicle those special moments of…